Getting started
The tools provided in The Honor Level System software are quite extensive. The program includes ideas and stategies suggested by schools from all over the United States, Canada and New Zealand. This On Line Guide is designed to help you explore and discover the many features of your program. Even if you have been using the HLS software for many years, we are sure you will find things here that you did not know you could do.
Everything starts from the HLS home screen. If your screen doesn't look like the one shown below, click here to see why.

The home screen is divided into four frames.
1 - The "Students" frame gives you access to individual records and a wide variety of groups of students, and a quick form that you can use whenever you need to add a new student manually. We add most of the students for you when we set up your data files at the beginning of each school year.
2 - The "Daily" frame Outlines the your regular daily tasks. Here you clear yesterday's print flags and enter both minor and reqular infractions.
3 - The "Print" frame directs you quickly to several but not all of the printing features of your HLS program."Slips." "Attendance Lists", and "30 Day Reports" are now included in the new "Print Task Manager" that you get by clicking on .
You will find access to printing Honor Level Lists and special event or award slips, too. There is also a button that prints requests for teachers to call home when they have had reocurring problems with the same student.
4 - Finally, the "Utilities" frame gives you access to a large number of Data Analysis routines and all the tools you need to customize your program to the unique needs and dynamics of your own school.