Understanding Groups
The Honor Level System program includes some pretty powerfull routines that provide you with access to data on groups of students.
Click thebutton to begin you journey into "Groups."
[Click here to skip these details and learn more about the Group List.]
First you will want to select which type of group you want. As you can see on the left, there are several choices to select from. Let's start by looking at these choices.
- Roll - HLS uses this term, short for "roll room" to designate the class where students are handed notices and slips generated by the software. It may or may not be the students' actual roll room. When you send us data to prepare, we hope you will include a teacher's name for each student. When you look at a Roll's group you should see this teacher's class list. If your class lists are not yet set up or you need to change them at the end of a semester, click here to see how to Import Class Lists.
- All Rolls - This group is an extension of the first one. You can use "Groups" to print class lists or reports on every student in a class. "All Rolls" gives you access to the whole school and lets you print a list for EVERY classroom with only a few clicks. You can also print a discipline report for every student sorted by classroom.
- Advisor - You can link each student to a second staff member, HLS uses the term: "Advisor." It can be an advisor, a cousilor, or any other teacher. Some schools have alternating daily schedules. The teacher who hands out notices in the morning might flip back and forth between two teachers through the week. HLS can handle this for you. We can set up the alternate teacher in the Advisor field when we prepare your data. If your advisor lists are not yet set up or you need to change them at the end of a semester, click here to see how to Import Advisor Lists.
- All Advisors - This option works just like "All Rolls" described above.
- Grade Level - Select this to print lists or reports by grade level.
- Flag Register - Use this option to define your own groups. You can have over three dozen different groups. Any one student can be a member of up to six of those groups. If your coach wants to keep a close eye on her team members' behavior, you can create a "Group Flag" for the team and add students to the list. Click here to see more detail on the Flag Register.
If you have included gender in the data you sent us to prepare you will find your students already assigned to groups "M-Male" and "F-Female" here. - Ethnic Code - If you have included ethnic data in the files you sent us to prepare, you will find your those students grouped here. Your HLS program also includes analysis routines that let you examine Ethnicity and Disproportionality in the Data Analysis section of the program.
- Status - You can have up to seven progressive stages of consequence in your HLS discipline plan. We use the term "Status" to refer to where on the ladder of these consequence a student sits today. The status tells you what consequence a student would have right now if he or she would owe a consequence. Even if consequences have been served and a student may no longer owe you one, you can track his or her progress up and down the consequence ladder. If a student has not had any entries with in the Roll-Over Window the status will be listed as: free.
- Assigned Cons. - Select this option if you want lists of students who are currently assigned to any of your stages of consequence. This will be convenient for schools who have upgraded their software to include the Export to Phone Dialer freatures of the program.
- Honor Level - The "Groups" option gives you a tool more powerfull than the older routine which you reach by clickingbutton on the home screen to access and print lists of students on any Honor Level .