Understanding Contact Home Requests
Although this routine is available through the Print Task Manager, this button provides the easiest access to this routine.
The Contact Home Request freature is a routine that you may only want to use two or three times a week, unless your school is quite large. The HLS software watches for reocurring entries from the same teacher for the same student. When the count of infractions reaches the number you set in your Site Editor a report is printed for the teacher requesting that the student's parents be contacted. A list of all the teachers who get the requests and the students envolved is also printed.
Because you may not use this routine every day your software maintains a list of teachers who should receive these lists. That list is not cleared until you print. The list can get long and might include requests that are quite old if you don't use it often.
Configuring your site data for the Contact Home Requests
The site editor is handy for adjusting all of the settings used by the program that may be unique to your school. You can set the number of infractions needed to trigger the request and the number of days back that the software should look for events.
First click Utilities on the HLS Home Screen.
Then on the Utilities window, click Site Editor.
Next click the Options #1 Tab at the top of the site editor window.
Find the Call Home Options frame on the right side of the window as shown below.
Enter the number of events or infractions that you want the software to count and the total number of days (including weekends) you want it to search.
When you are finished click thebutton and save your changes when asked.
Counselor Alerts
The software can be configured to use this same routine to alert your counselor each time a student receives a third minor infraction. These alerts are printed at the same time as the contact home requests.
To turn this feature on, go to Edit Options #2 in the site editor and check the box shown below.