Minor Infractions
Not all schools use Minor Infractions as part of their own school wide Honor Level System plan. When we set up a school for the first time, we usually ignore this feature. As the school gets used to the program and starts to tune it to meet their own needs, we might find that the differences between Minor and Regular Infractions provide a good solution to concerns or issues that their staff and/or parents have.
How are Minor Infractions Different?
Minor infractons work the same as regulars except they do not normally result in an assigned consequence. The event becomes part of the student record and his or her Honor Level is affected. They are used either because the infraction is so minor that a consequence is not needed or because the classroom teacher has already taken care of the conseqence and the school doesn't want the student to serve a second one.
Originally they were created to handle "Time-Outs" where a student was removed from the classroom and sent to a "Time-Out" location at the office. It was felt that the "Time-Out" was the consequence and that assigning a second consequence was unfair to the student.
This being said, a school can configure the program to assign a consequence when a student receives too many minor infractions. For example, you may allow a student two "freebies" within the Roll-Over Window but when she gets three or more, a consequence is then assigned. Click here if you want to know how to configure your software to watch for multiple minor Infractions and automatically trigger a detention.
Entering Minor Infractions
You enter Minor Infractions exactly the same way you Enter Infractions the window is basically identical. Make sure you have clicked thebutton and that the title of the window says: