Using the HLS Utilities
Utilities is where you want to go to solve problems that may come up from time to time as you use your program. Perhaps your class lists change at the start of a new quarter or semester. Maybe a teacher get's married and you want to change her code. Go here if you want to back up your data or view records from previous years.
This is also where you can tweak and tune the many settings that determine how your program functions and makes your program unique to your school.
Because you won't need to come here often, you will find that the HLS help feature is always turned on when you have the Utilities Window open. As you move your pointer over the many buttons on the right, a description of each task is displayed in the frame on the left.
At times, depending on your configuration and events that have occurred before you come to this window, other buttons may be available. These will help you with specific tasks that are appropriate to you at this time. Click here to find out about Additional Utilities Options.
Here is a quick overview of the routines you can access from the Utilities Window. Click the button images below to learn more.
- Here you can pull data that has been stored on a floppy disk and import it to your computer. Before networks were common in schools, this was often used to provide people at other computers access to HLS data using a technique that has oven been called Sneaker-Net
- If something happens to your data base and we need to repair your data, perhaps a power failure has occurred in your building at a particularly unfortunate time, we will have several tools here to get you back on track. We really recommend that you contact us at 360-483-4885 before using any of these routines.
- We have tried to make the changes you need at the end of a quarter or semester as easy as possible. You will find several handy tools here with our End of Semester Utilities.
- The task of setting up your program to share HLS data with others in your school is made easier here.
- This provides access to data that has been collected from previous years. The Archive Assistant knows if you still have older data on your computer lets you select it whenever you want.
- Click here if you ever want to check on updates to your program.
- This button provides you with quick and easy access to this web site.
- This button closes the Utilities Window.
- This provides access to an older routine that allows you to back up data onto a floppy disk in your a:drive. Networking and internal daily backups make this routine almost unnecessary now.