Additional Utilities Options
Sometime you will find alternate buttons available when you selectfrom the home screen.
Depending on your software configuration and events that may have occurred while you were launching the program, special options will become available to help you deal with these situations.
Click here to view the normal Utilities Window.
Here is a quick overview of the alternate choices that may be available to you from time to time on the Utilities Window. Click the button images below to learn more.
- If you are running the free trial or preview version of the program, this button will let you return to the Set Up Wizard that you used the first time you launched the program to change your site settings.
- If you are networking and attempting to launch HLS a a Publisher, you may find that another user who had previously been logged of as the publisher exited the program in an unusual manner and your computer thinks he or she is still working. The software will not allow two users to be publishers at the same time. This routine helps you clear the other user's publisher flag so that you can do your work.