All Stars
All Stars are Honor Level One students who have not ever had ANY Regular Infractions, Minor Infractions or Direct Administrative Assignments. These are students who have gone all year without any discipline problems.
Students who have non-behavior initiated entries in their records are not excluded from the All Star list. So if you enter Parent Contacts or Bravo Points in a student record that has no other entries, the student is still an All Star.
Once or twice a year some schools like to award or honor these students with a special event. You can access these students from the Groups Window or from Honor Level Lists button on the home screen.
You can also print special slips for your All Stars using the HLS Slip Maker.
Manipulating the All Star List
Sometimes you may want to find the names of all the students who have not had any disicpline entries over a shorter period of time rather than from the beginning of the school year. You can do this by setting a Restart Marker in your data base. These markers can be added and removed quite easily.
For example if you want to identify what you might call the "Monthly All Stars", simply set a Restart Marker for the last day of the previous month and then print your All Star list. You can remove the marker when you are finished.