Full Networking and The Honor Level System

©Copyright 2008, Budd Churchward


Full Networking allows you to share your Honor Level System data with users at other computers just as Simple Networking does, and also do much more. Unlike the simpler version, you can give users different levels of access and allow them to change items in the HLS data base.

You software license allows you to install the program on as many computers as you need within your school building.

Before you Activate Full Networking, you need to configure your computer for Simple Networking. Do this first, even if only for a few minutes. Sharing Set Up will guide you through this process.

The status of Simple Networking users is limited to only Publisher and Subscriber. With Full Networking the first is the highest level and the latter is the lowest. We include additional levels between the two. Here users must log on with a password to use The Honor Level System.

Full Networking User Levels

Assigning User Levels

When you upgrade your software to Full Networking, you will have access to a second program which is your Network Administration Utility. You can add new users, edit user levels and clear passwords so they can be re-entered.

Launching this program requires an access key. Contact us at 360-483-4885 for assistance with your key.

Trouble with Networking?

If you have attempted to set up Simple Networking and find that your program now won't even launch, have someone who knows your computer find the following file: c:/hls/hls09/sharing.txt and delete it. The hls09 refers to the 2009-2010 school year. The number will change each year so you would look for hls10 for the 2010-2011 school year.

HLS uses the file sharing.txt to know that you are networking. It is a text document that points to the folder where you pass data between users. If you have an incorrect path in this file, your program may be unable to launch. Your technician may feel comfortable opening this file and editing the path manually. Of course you can use the Sharing Set Up instructions to recreate the file.